Ways to Practice Daily Gratitude

Hi friend! I wanted to share some practical ways you can incorporate gratitude into your daily life! When life gets busy and overwhelming, it is easy to slip into complaining and see the lack around us. It takes intentional effort to have grateful heart, especially when life feels heavy. Gratitude isn’t just a feeling, it is a way of life and an intentional practice we have to pursue daily! Here are some practical ways to bring gratitude into your daily rhythm:  

  • JOURNAL - Write down the gifts all around you. Maybe it’s something big like a promotion at work, or maybe it is something as simple as a warm place to sleep. We can give God thanks for every gift great and small! 
  • TEXT A FRIEND - Who is the first person that comes to mind? Text them! I am a firm believer that we need to tell the people in our world that we love them and that we’re grateful for them. Send a simple text and tell your friend why you’re thankful for them.
  • MORNING THREE - Keep a notebook by your bed and right when you wake up, list 3 things you’re grateful for. Instead of scrolling on your phone or thinking about all that needs to get done that day, starting your day with this simple practice will help train your brain to notice the good before anything else! 
  • GO ON A GRATITUDE WALK - A gratitude walk is one of my favorite ways to practice gratitude. I find that walking gets me out of my head as I notice the beauty of the nature around me. Thank Him for the trees, for the birds, for the air we breathe. As you walk, go down a list of all the people you’re grateful for in your life. Let your mind wander and find new things to thank Him for. 

I hope these tips are helpful for you! Try them out and find what gives you life, then keep practicing them each and every day. Gratitude truly changes us from the inside out when we give thanks to God for all he has done.

"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."

Saint Augustine